Genre appearances included...
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (Fairy Godmother / performer: "Prologue", "Impossible", "It's Possible", "Finale Ultimo", "There's Music in You")
The Preacher's Wife (Julia Biggs)
The BodyGuard (Rachel Marron / performer: "Queen of the Night")
Note: The BodyGuard is not really genre, but it's use of footage from the classic 1926 film Metropolis as well as the Maria-Robotrix-influenced costume prominently featured in the video for "Queen of the Night" and the film itself make it worthy, IMHO, of inclusion.
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Other actresses to play Julia Biggs include...The Preacher's Wife (Julia Biggs)
The BodyGuard (Rachel Marron / performer: "Queen of the Night")
Note: The BodyGuard is not really genre, but it's use of footage from the classic 1926 film Metropolis as well as the Maria-Robotrix-influenced costume prominently featured in the video for "Queen of the Night" and the film itself make it worthy, IMHO, of inclusion.
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Whitney's Official WebSite
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Other actresses to play Fairy Godmother in Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella include Celeste Holm [1965] and Edie Adams [1957]
Actually, in the previous version of this film, The Bishop's Wife [1947], the character was named Julia Brougham and played by Loretta Young.