Genre appearances include...
Sarah Silverman Program (Sarah Silverman)
Monk (Marci Maven)
Futurama: Bender's Big Score / Futurama "The Cryonic Woman" (Michelle)
Drawn Together "The Other Cousin" (Bleh)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force "RoboSitter" (RoboSitter)
Greg the Bunny (Alison Kaiser)
Evolution (Denise)
Star Trek Voyager "Future's End" Parts 1 & 2 (Rain Robinson)
JAG "Blind Side" (Lt. Schiparelli)
Check out...
Sarah's MySpace Page
Sarah Silverman Online (the "ultimate source for all things Sarah", according to themselves)
Other actresses who've played Michelle:Sarah Silverman Program (Sarah Silverman)
Monk (Marci Maven)
Futurama: Bender's Big Score / Futurama "The Cryonic Woman" (Michelle)
Drawn Together "The Other Cousin" (Bleh)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force "RoboSitter" (RoboSitter)
Greg the Bunny (Alison Kaiser)
Evolution (Denise)
Star Trek Voyager "Future's End" Parts 1 & 2 (Rain Robinson)
JAG "Blind Side" (Lt. Schiparelli)
Check out...
Sarah's MySpace Page
Sarah Silverman Online (the "ultimate source for all things Sarah", according to themselves)
Futurama "Space Pilot 3000" [pilot episode] (Kath Soucie)
She's hot!! ^_^